Pickleball Swansea

List includes teams who are based in Swansea and who are playing pickleball. There are in total 3 teams. Most popular sport is pickleball. Other popular sports are: tennis.

See all teams playing pickleball or use targeted search.

StoicoFIRSTFED YMCA Pickleball Playerlineup.com

The Stoico/FIRSTFED YMCA in Swansea, MA reserves space for pickleball games at various times each week. Please refer to the calendar for upcoming time slots. We provide courts, nets and balls - please bring your own paddle. Pickleball is free for YMCA members. There is a $5 drop-in for the general public. Please abide by our "fair play" rules, and ensure that you are practicing good sportsmanship.

Updated over 1 year ago


Coles River Playerlineup.com

Please use this platform to sign up for CRC member court sports. Throughout the summer dates will be scheduled for tennis and pickleball.

Updated over 1 year ago

Tennis and Pickleball
Swansea, Ma

Swansea YMCA Pickleball Playerlineup.com

James wrote: Hey everyone, Fall River will be hosting a tournament July 20-21st! There will be mixed 3.0, 3.5+, and 4.0+. Men's 3.0,3.5+,4.0+, and Women's 3.0, and 3.5+. Information can be found using this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/243134915249620 . To sign up just use this link and follow the step... (8 months ago)

Updated 8 months ago
