Pickleball Plymouth, ma

List includes teams who are based in Plymouth, ma and who are playing pickleball. There are in total 2 teams. Most popular sport is . Other popular sports are: .

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Plymouth Pickleball Club Playerlineup.com

Welcome to Plymouth Pickleball Club We are a small informal group of players that enjoy the game and are looking to expand our group within our community. Everyone is welcome, it’s a great way to get a little exercise meet new people and have some fun. If you are new to the game and want to learn more, contact one of the “Coaches” and we can meet you to go over some of the basics and hit a few balls around to see if you like it. We all generally have a spare paddle you could use. Use this site to connect with other players, join existing games or to schedule your own. We currently schedule open play at 3 venues: Forges Field Recreational Area Briggs Field in Manomet Stephens Field in the downtown area. Come join us for some fun play... ZERO-ZERO-START Game on….have fun!

Updated over 1 year ago

Plymouth, Ma

Ocean Point Pickleball Club Playerlineup.com

Welcome to Ocean Point Pickleball Club We are an informal group of residents & guests that enjoy playing recreational Pickleball at The Highlands and The Dunes courts at the Ocean Point Condominium Complex located at beautiful Manomet point in Plymouth MA. We are a fun group of beginner & intermediate players looking to expand our group within our community. Everyone is welcome, it’s a great way to get a little exercise and have some fun. If you are new to the game and want to learn more, contact one of us and we can meet you at the courts to go over some of the basics and hit a few balls around to see if you like it. We all generally have a spare paddle you could use. Use this site to connect with other players, join existing games or to schedule your own. Game on….have fun!

Updated over 3 years ago

Plymouth, Ma