Pickleball Cranston

List includes teams who are based in Cranston and who are playing pickleball. There are in total 4 teams. Most popular sport is . Other popular sports are: .

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PickleBallers Rock Playerlineup.com

This group is dedicated to clinics and group private lessons. No matter your play level, you will learn effortless way of playing pickleball, best strategies and much more using my past experience as pro tennis player, competitive pickleball player, and over 20 years experience of teaching tennis and now pickleball.

Peter wrote: There are spots left for the pickleball clinic coming up February 6th - 27th at Pawtucket YMCA 12:00-1pm You can click here to reserve your spot https://operations.daxko.com/Online/2058/ProgramsV2/OfferingDetails.mvc?offering_id=SES3156817&program_id=TMP133366&location_id=B180&filter=H4sIAAAAAAAE... (6 days ago)

Updated 6 days ago


Cranston Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Cranston Recreation offers pickleball for all experience levels. Casual environment where all levels play together across 3 courts at the Pastore Youth Center, 155 Gansett Avenue. Fee is $5.00 per session. Residents and non-resident welcome. This page is to be used only for information related to play in the Pastore Youth Center. All messages should relate to that topic solely. No solicitation of any kind is allowed.

Peter wrote: Just a reminder!! New 6 week session clinic in Pastore Youth Center in Cranston is starting tomorrow!! Classes are on Wednesdays from: 9 am to 11 am Jan 8 to Feb 12 It's filling up quick, You can register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jOrgAqJ1Sj5NPRwevh005gS1_wdGVIekW8-vF2HwR7A/edit (About 1 month ago)

Updated 15 days ago


Youth Pickleball Playerlineup.com

This group is dedicated to clinics, group and private lessons for juniors. No matter the play level, your child will learn to play pickleball, best strategies and much more using my past experience as pro tennis player, competitive pickleball player, and over 20 years experience of teaching tennis and now IPTPA certified pickleball instructor.

Peter wrote: Don't forget to sign up, as we only have eight places for this summer six week session, including the pool for the kids, here's the link http://clcfpickleball.leagueapps.com/clubteams/4268573-pickleball-clinic-ii-kids-12-17-yr-062024---072724 (8 months ago)

Updated 8 months ago


Cadence Playerlineup.com

Jussi wrote: Welcome! This is an example message on your team's bulletin board. It's great to have your team onboard! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact: support@playerlineup.com Best, Jussi from support. PS: If you want, you can remove example messages and players from your team :) (9 months ago)
