Pickleball Barre

List includes teams who are based in Barre and who are playing pickleball. There are in total 2 teams. Most popular sport is . Other popular sports are: .

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Barre Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Forum for Barre VT Pickleball enthusiast. Courts established June of 2019, 6 permanent pickleball courts at the Town of Barre Recreation Area ~ 46 Websterville Road, Barre VT. Asphalt surface, 2 color (blue, green kitchen) 2024 six permanent nets replaced portable ones. Adjacent 2 Tennis courts are also lined for pickleball play. Bottle filling station and bathrooms adjacent to courts. Barre City Tennis Courts also have 2 courts lined for pb play on Parkside Terrace.

Tama wrote: Hi. I have a blue short sleeve Barre Pickleball t shirt men’s medium that wants a new home. Never worn. $25 tamaweisman@gmail.com (5 months ago)

Updated 5 months ago


Barre AUD Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Donna wrote: I messaged the Aud, lines can be put down on Tuesday, April 1. I may not be available as we are sugaring. Joel has the tape. I will try to be there, but if we have sap to boil I might not be available. You guys did great last time! (7 days ago)

Updated about 1 hour ago
