Pickleball Montpelier, vt

List includes teams who are based in Montpelier, vt and who are playing pickleball. There are in total 1 teams. Most popular sport is . Other popular sports are: .

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Montpelier Rec Center PB Playerlineup.com

Montpelier Recreation Department is excited to start hosting indoor pickleball open gym times. All three levels are invited to play. (Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced) 2 indoor courts; 12 player max. (6 players per court) Bring your own paddle. We do have a few extras if you do not have one.

Haidi wrote: Hi Everyone, We were able to fix a few of the lights, but ran into a few other issues. As of now, the electrician has done what they could get done and now has to come back next week to finish up the work. Therefore, I have just added two sessions for tomorrow Wednesday. I added a Int/Adv. groups... (3 days ago)

Updated 1 day ago

Montpelier, Vt