Picklebal Warren, vermont

List includes teams who are based in Warren, vermont and who are playing picklebal. There are in total 2 teams. Most popular sport is . Other popular sports are: .

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Sugarbush SHaRC Pickleball Playerlineup.com

This is the official site to sign up for pickleball clinics and open play at Sugarbush Health & Recreation Center located at 148 Sports Center Drive, Warren, VT, 05674. 802-583-6700. You will still need to check in with the front desk to pay any fees if required. If you are a member of the SHaRC then open play is free and a clinic is $10 + tax. For a non-member open play is $29 + tax and a clinic is $39 +tax. This fee includes access to most of the facilitie’s amenities. If you are signed up for an event and cannot make it then please sign yourself as “out”. To run a clinic we need a min. of 1 player and a max. of 4 players. Open plays require a minimum of 4 players and max. of 10 players for two courts. We need the required minimum by 10:00 pm the night before the event or we cancel it

Cindy wrote: Hi Barbara, I see that you and Phil have signed up for Tuesday at 10:00 am (3 days ago)

Updated 3 days ago

Warren, Vermont

Warren Pickleball Playerlineup.com

A group of pickleball players in the Mad River Valley who meet at the Warren, Vermont Town Courts. All abilities from never-ever to seasoned players are welcome. Paddles and instruction provided if desired. No charge during outdoor play. We ask that you sign up here (By clicking "IN") so that we know how many are coming and have at least 4. Also, if you sign up and then can not make it, please sign yourself as "OUT". If you are a beginner and would like an introduction to the game, sign up and send out a message to everyone.

Melissa wrote: Are there too many people? (6 days ago)

Updated 6 days ago

Warren, Vermont