
Picklebal is a great sport. Here is list of teams doing picklebal.

Start using Playerlineup.com for your own team and you see who's going to attend the practices.

Already 182 picklebal teams use Playerlineup.com. Get your team pages now..

Brown Billone Club Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Visit our new Pickleball Pro Shop at https://bbcpickleball.com/ JOIN OUR DUPR CLUB HERE: https://dashboard.dupr.com/dashboard/browse/clubs/6642131431 * 6 courts - The best court surfaces locally! * Drop-in, level appropriate play! * Court bookings available by the hour! * Clinics and Lessons by PPR Certified Pro Heath B! Any Drop In with less than 6 players signed up will be cancelled an hour before the scheduled event. Adding visitors is not allowed as we need contact information for each player for billing. Anyone signed up that does not mark themselves out at least 3 hours before an afternoon or evening drop-in, or by 8pm the night before an 8am drop-in, or just doesn't show up, will be charged for the Drop-In.

Patricia wrote: I would definitely do this if it could be 4pm or after. (About 9 hours ago)

Updated about 9 hours ago

North Easton, Ma 02356

Cranston Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Cranston Recreation offers pickleball for all experience levels. Casual environment where all levels play together across 3 courts at the Pastore Youth Center, 155 Gansett Avenue. Fee is $5.00 per session. Residents and non-resident welcome. This page is to be used only for information related to play in the Pastore Youth Center. All messages should relate to that topic solely. No solicitation of any kind is allowed.

Peter wrote: New pickleball classes for beginners and more advanced are starting tomorrow at Pastore Youth Center - February 19th, 9-11 a.m. get ready for the summer season, you can sign up here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jOrgAqJ1Sj5NPRwevh005gS1_wdGVIekW8-vF2HwR7A/edit (22 days ago)

Updated about 12 hours ago


GMCF Playerlineup.com

Please note that this website is not owned by GMCF. Registration into any of these posted games or events is independent from any fees related to membership or day use. Login credentials for this site are different then those of the GMCF fitness facility and any problems here should be directed towards playerlineup.

Sara wrote: I hope we get some more folks...I can only play until 1:30 (1 day ago)

Updated about 16 hours ago

Berlin Vt

Pickleballcascaders Playerlineup.com

This is for our Wed Recreational League . Wednesday’s at 3 pm with other communities. You must join Cascades Pickleball club and sign a waiver before playing . We use Playerlineup.com to see if you are available for playing on a specific weeks. Activate your account so we can get started. All games are on Wednesday at 3 pm and last about 1 hr. We meet in our parking lot near the tennis courts and carpool if we are playing at a different community. If you want to attend check the in box . ( If you prefer to meet at the community where we are playing, Please call so that we know not to wait for you in the parking lot ) Thank you, Sandy Lutzker. Sandy Gurian 954-661-5607. 484-707-7502

Karen wrote: I will be a little late due to a 2:15 appointment. (About 18 hours ago)

Updated about 18 hours ago

Boynton Beach

PickleBallers Rock Playerlineup.com

This group is dedicated to clinics and group private lessons. No matter your play level, you will learn effortless way of playing pickleball, best strategies and much more using my past experience as pro tennis player, competitive pickleball player, and over 20 years experience of teaching tennis and now pickleball.

Peter wrote: Your pickleball instructor won another tournament yesterday in Massachusetts! (3 days ago)

Updated 1 day ago


Sugarbush SHaRC Pickleball Playerlineup.com

This is the official site to sign up for pickleball clinics and open play at Sugarbush Health & Recreation Center located at 148 Sports Center Drive, Warren, VT, 05674. 802-583-6700. You will still need to check in with the front desk to pay any fees if required. If you are a member of the SHaRC then open play is free and a clinic is $10 + tax. For a non-member open play is $29 + tax and a clinic is $39 +tax. This fee includes access to most of the facilitie’s amenities. If you are signed up for an event and cannot make it then please sign yourself as “out”. To run a clinic we need a min. of 1 player and a max. of 4 players. Open plays require a minimum of 4 players and max. of 10 players for two courts. We need the required minimum by 10:00 pm the night before the event or we cancel it

Cindy wrote: Hi Barbara, I see that you and Phil have signed up for Tuesday at 10:00 am (2 days ago)

Updated 2 days ago

Warren, Vermont

COTB Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Check here to see what is new on the schedule, what the upcoming play times might be, if there are enough players to filll a court and/or if there may be a change to plans given the weather. Schedule yourself IN for play, if you KNOW you are available. Return to update the schedule, if your plans change. Come on out and have fun!

Pam wrote: Canceled due to rain:( (16 days ago)

Updated 3 days ago

Sarasota, Flordia

Barrington Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Welcome to Barrington Pickleball. This is not a town run program. Players bring balls. This is not a group that has any beginners. We use Playerlineup.com for event notifications and attendance tracking. Activate your account so you can get started. Our schedule, announcements, roster, photos, etc will be here. Please RSVP to the events but don't forget to sign out if you change your mind for the event! See you on the courts. Patty Winderman pjmreid@gmail.com

Mark wrote: Down to 2 players Sunday morning - play is canceled. (3 months ago)

Updated 5 days ago

Barrington, Ri Usa

FairhavenRecreationPickleball Playerlineup.com

Open Pickleball @ The Fairhaven Recreation Center! - 227 Huttleston Ave. Mondays-Saturdays: 8:00am-10:00am FREE for Fairhaven residents with a Rec Center Membership or PlayCard (OR $10 drop-in fee for non-members) Information on membership and memberships rates can be found here: https://www.fairhaven-ma.gov/recreation-department/faq/what-difference-between-membership-and-play-card-what-do-they-give-access

Fairhaven wrote: Hi everyone! This Friday, March 7th, morning Pickleball will end a little earlier at 9:45 AM, as we’ll need that side of the gym for a scheduled dance class. To make up for the inconvenience, we’re extending afternoon Pickleball until 3:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate y... (6 days ago)

Updated 6 days ago


Fairhaven Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Thank you for visiting the Playerlineup page of the Fairhaven Pickleball Association located in Fairhaven, Massaschusetts. This site provides you with days, times, locations and play level of group playing sessions. Creating an account on this site will allow you to see if other pickleball players are going to be at the courts on the day and time you want to play. For more information about the Fairhaven Pickleball Association, please visit our website at https://www.fairhavenpickleball.com.

(removed member) wrote: 9:00 a.m. (14 days ago)

Updated 10 days ago

Fairhaven Ma

Two Rivers Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Two Rivers is a development in Odenton, MD which includes a 55+ community of adults who enjoy the game of pickleball. This is a recreational club which focuses on active participation, safety and fun. We love playing the game and enjoy spending time with one another when not on the courts. Pickleball is definitely a sport that brings people together.

Paul wrote: Will be out there at 9 AM tomorrow (Thursday) (4 months ago)

Updated 17 days ago

Odenton, Md

Pickleball Drill Partners RI Playerlineup.com

If you're looking to drill, this group is for you. Join an existing drill meet-up listed here or add a date, time, and location for where and when you want to drill and automatically invite others in the group to join you. Drill meet-ups can be open to all or specific to player level, etc. Improve your skills with drills! The latest research suggests that a drill "best practice" is to drill one specific skill for 15 minutes straight, and to do it on a daily basis. This gives the brain, during sleep, a better chance to retain the info and put it into long term memory.

Phyllis wrote: Pickleball Power Hour is coming to OTC! Think you’re good at pickleball? Maybe you win more games than you lose, maybe not… but how are your skills? Without a strong set of individual skills in your toolkit, you’re likely losing games you should be winning. Join us as we assess our skills in this... (29 days ago)

Updated 29 days ago

Rhode Island

Starland Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Welcome to Starland Sportsplex & Fun Park! Located 30 minutes south of Boston, Starland is home to multi-use courts and fields, including 6 climate controlled indoor hardwood pickleball courts. Shower and locker rooms on site. Fun available for the whole family includes a fun park with go-karts, mini golf, laser tag, rock wall, and more!

Updated about 2 months ago

Hanover, Ma

Lamoille Valley Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Recreational Pickleball, the fastest growing sport in North America. Open to all levels: Beginners welcome. Young adults through seniors and beyond! We have paddles and balls to share and set up portable nets indoors in the winter. Come join a fun group of people who enjoy playing, staying fit and creating community. PLEASE SIGN IN so we know how many are playing.

Kate wrote: I have posted play for tomorrow morning with no guarantee that we can play as I don't know if the gym is scheduled for anyone else or not. I will check it out at 8 and if it is occupied, I will update the posting so check here! (2 months ago)

Updated about 2 months ago

Lamoille County, Vermont, Usa

Barre Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Forum for Barre VT Pickleball enthusiast. Courts established June of 2019, 6 permanent pickleball courts at the Town of Barre Recreation Area ~ 46 Websterville Road, Barre VT. Asphalt surface, 2 color (blue, green kitchen) 2024 six permanent nets replaced portable ones. Adjacent 2 Tennis courts are also lined for pickleball play. Bottle filling station and bathrooms adjacent to courts. Barre City Tennis Courts also have 2 courts lined for pb play on Parkside Terrace.

Tama wrote: Hi. I have a blue short sleeve Barre Pickleball t shirt men’s medium that wants a new home. Never worn. $25 tamaweisman@gmail.com (4 months ago)

Updated 4 months ago


Stowe Pickleball Playerlineup.com

Stowe Pickleball is a fun recreational Pickleball organization located in beautiful Stowe, Vermont. In 2023 we'll be playing at Memorial Park. Learn even more at https://www.stowepickleball.com Membership donations and contributions are welcomed. Here's all the info regarding making a donation: www.stowepickleball.com/howtojoinanddonate Can't wait to play with you!

Margaret wrote: What time not 8:00? (4 months ago)

Updated 4 months ago


North Farm Pickleball Playerlineup.com

RULES FOR ORGANIZED PICKLEBALL PLAY See the Bulletin Board located near the front gate, where the "RULES FOR ORGANIZED PICKLEBALL PLAY" is posted. All players participating in Organized Pickleball Events will be required to follow these rules. 1. GATE CODE SECURITY- 2. EVENT SIGNUP -PLAYERLINEUP 3. LIABILITY WAIVER 4. RESIDENTS RESPONSIBILITY

Betty wrote: Great job JANET AND DOUG Way to go Wish I had felt better would have loved to see a couple of you matches (5 months ago)

Updated 5 months ago

Bristol, Ri, Usa

St Pete Pickleball Playerlineup.com

This is St. Petersburg informal, fast-growing list of pickleball players. Use this site to connect with other players, to join existing games, and to schedule your *own* play time and sessions, where you invite others to join your game. When creating a new event, select level of play: "beginner," "intermediate," "advanced" to attract players of similar levels. Also, specify *where* you will be playing. This site is maintained by Thierry ("Terry") Guerlain and Sue Nance. Email either of us at tguerlain51@gmail.com or sue@mediagaragegroup.com if you have comments or questions.

I wrote: Gregory Storm PPR (Pickleball Pro Registry) Pro Certified Pickleball Coach Tournament Director Team R.A.W. Sponsored Player Multiple Tournament Medal Winner Level Up Camp Instructor Oct 12, 2024 $155 3 hr. Class Beginner Class 9:00 am Intermediate Rating Class 12:30 This is a DUPR Rating Clinic Y... (5 months ago)

Updated 5 months ago

St. Petersburg, Fl

Montpelier Rec Elm St PB Playerlineup.com

Montpelier Recreation Department is excited to start hosting outdoor pickleball session out on Elm St. Tennis Courts. All levels are invited to play. (Beginner, Beg/Inter, Intermediate, & Inter/Advanced) We encourage players to use 2 of the 4 outdoor courts; 12 player max. (6 players per court). If more come to play and there is room on the courts, you may definitely use another court as well. Bring your own paddle and balls.

Arlene wrote: It's probably going to be raining and/or the courts will be wet. Anyone up for GMCF? But not at 7:45 AM! A little later? Say 8 AM or 11:15 AM? There are courts reserved on PlayerLineUp. Just a thought. (8 months ago)

Updated 7 months ago


Rhody Day Dinkers Playerlineup.com

WELCOME! The Rhody Day Dinkers started in January of 2023 with a small group of ten players. Most were new to pickleball at that time. We got together at a small church gym on the Cranston/South Providence line to learn the rules and start working on strategy. We put down tape to define the court parameters and the church provided a portable net. Soon after, we developed a logo and had tee shirts printed up, which helped to solidify the group. Then came small off-court gatherings with food and Prosecco (our signature drink). Members come and members go, but the Rhody Day Dinkers remain a fun and happy group. Most of the original members are still with us.

Updated 8 months ago

Rhode Island