Unihockey Bethesda, maryland

List includes teams who are based in Bethesda, maryland and who are playing unihockey. There are in total 1 teams. Most popular sport is innebandy. Other popular sports are: floorball, unihockey, and salibandy.

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DCInnebandy Playerlineup.com

We play innebandy (floorball) every Tuesday year round in Bethesda, MD. We are always looking to recruit new players. But please sign up before attending. We restrict the number of players who can play each week with priority for paying members. Do not add yourself with the visiting player function. Please feel free to sign up at http://dcinnebandy.playerlineup.com/public_join or use the form on the right. Keywords: Washington DC, innebandy, floorball, salibandy, Unihockey

Frank wrote: We need at least one more player for tomorrow. Hopefully, Andreas B will join us. Jure? Dzastina? Jonas? There is a slight chance that I might not make it, so if anyone is in my area and wants to pick up the goals? Johan M is not playing, so we don't have his goals as a back-up. (4 days ago)

Updated 3 days ago

Innebandy, Floorball, Unihockey, and Salibandy
Bethesda, Maryland