Tennis Moretown

List includes teams who are based in Moretown and who are playing tennis. There are in total 1 teams. Most popular sport is pickleball. Other popular sports are: meet and tennis.

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Moretown Tennis

Welcome! Moretown Recreation is providing this "team" to connect those interested in playing tennis. A weekly schedule will be posted and players can sign up to play singles or doubles. Scheduled time is NOT reserved time. If the courts are in use players must wait until on-court players leave after a maximum of 1 hour. Please join our "team" and sign IN for games you hope to participate in. We welcome you to suggest times that are better for you. We will make adjustments and improvements as we go. Post a message including time and day preferred.

Susan wrote: We will be suspending the Moretown Tennis team until springtime. The rainy summer didn't help. The Recreation Committee will start promoting the site as soon as the nets are up on the tennis courts in spring 2024. We hope to again offer a way for people to find other players for court time. Thank... (8 months ago)

Updated 8 months ago
